9 Ways to Make Brushing Fun!
9 Ways to Make Brushing Fun! You can start using a finger toothbrush or a baby toothbrush to brush your baby’s teeth. It takes many years before children develop the fine motor coordination they need to do a good tooth brushing job. One dentist advises that parents brush their children’s ...
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American Academy of Pediatrics: No juice for babies, limited servings for children
American Academy of Pediatrics: No juice for babies, limited servings for children Citing its relationship with dental decay, among other health-related concerns, the American Academy of Pediatrics in May released a policy statement recommending no fruit juice for children under 1 year. “We know that excessive fruit juice can lead ...
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Sip and Snack All Day? Risk Decay!
Sip and Snack All Day? Risk Decay! Do you sip soft drinks or other sugary drinks (even coffee or tea with milk and sugar) all day at your desk? Do you use breath mints or eat candy often? Instead of eating meals, do you snack all day? Do you often ...
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